Day 29


Let’s read together
1 Samuel 1: 1-20

Today we are exploring the beautiful story of Hannah and her faith. She was a woman in turmoil, was taunted because of her affliction, and had a heart full of distress. We read how year by year Hannah weeps for the fact her prayer is not being answered, her prayer that she be able to bear a child.

This story shows what continuous prayer can do. Hannah’s example is one that encourages us to pray through our distress. With the anguish and feeling that God was not hearing her cries, Hannah remained on her knees and did not become bitter. She prayed 3 times “I am your servant”, recognising that ‘My life is not just for me, I am wanting this also for you.’

We can so often pray for what makes us feel ‘happy’. But, as Hannah testified, in letting God take our burdens we are given more than what we estimate will bring us happiness – we are given God’s peace and His joy. Gifts that are beyond our understanding.  

Let us take this hour to lay those burdens down. Jesus tells us “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” My prayer is that, just like Hannah, we will get up from this time of prayer with a smile on our faces, filled with God’s joy and peace!


Your love is strong – Jon Foreman - CLICK HERE

Joy – Lion of Judah - CLICK HERE

Joy of the Lord – Rend Collective - CLICK HERE

Day 28


Let’s read together
Jonah 2: 1-10

Jonah said, ‘In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.’ 

Jonah recognised that he deserved death because he had run from God disobeying Him.  When everything seemed lost, he called out to God, who was his only hope, with humility, honesty and hopeful expectation that God would hear and answer. When saved he knows that God has shown him extraordinary mercy.  God compassionately heard his cry and answered!

Let us give thanks to God for His compassion, mercy and love.  Let’s thank Him that we can come boldly into His presence.  That His promise is ‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” John 15:7 He does hear our cries and answer!

Let us cry out to God with humility, honesty and hopeful expectation for the nation and the world. And let us remember to give Him thanks and praise for answered prayer.


Where oh Where is Your Presence O God 
(You’re still God – Godfrey Birtell) 

O no You never let go 
(Matt Redman) 

Way Maker 

This version of Way Maker ends with a time of raising the Name of Jesus, whose Name is above every other name,  over depression, loneliness, disease, cancer – so fitting for this time in the life of PBC and of this nation.  Let us claim this truth, believing for miracles.

Day 27


2 Kings 20:1-11

This story of Hezekiah is such a great story that we can actually find it in 3 places in the bible, in 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles and in Isaiah. Hezekiah was one of the few Kings of Judah and we read that he was a good King. The Bible describes him as a king who had a close relationship with God, one who did “what was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God”. Some would describe him as the rose between two thorns as his father King Ahaz was a wicked man and then his son King Manasseh was the most evil King. 

This week we are looking at answered prayer. Prayer is such a baffling subject especially when praying for the impossible. Why does God sometimes answer prayers and other times not? Does prayer even work? These questions are very common and currently with those grieving in our community it is a hard one to wrap your head around. 

Hezekiah was about to die and he decided to pray the impossible. He reminded God how he had been devoted to him and been faithful. God answered his prayer in a profound way. Not only did he give him 15 extra years of life, he took the threat of Assyria away and brought peace to the land. The course of history was changed through one prayer. Hezekiah asked for a sign from God that he would be healed. God made the shadow of the sundial move backwards. By having the shadow of the sundial move backward, it gave more time in a day – just as God gave Hezekiah more time. I wonder if god literally moved the universe back in time? Merely a sign of a promise. God has the power to answer any prayer you could possibly ask.

When we pray, we have the authority to pray in the name of Jesus, not in the name of who we are or what we have done. We may not understand prayer, but be encouraged that God does answer prayers. Today, why don’t you pray your bravest prayer? 

Day 26


Let's read together
Exodus 32: 1-14

In this incredibly rich piece of scripture we read about the exchange that occurred between Moses and the LORD and listen to Moses as he intercedes for his people, the nation of Israel. 

Thankfully, we have a God who is constantly reminding us throughout the Bible who he is and what he is like. And later on in this passage YAHWEH gives another description of his own character.

Today as we intercede for our nation and our world, let's address our prayers, no matter how grand or personal to 'The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.'

Lets pray with confidence to our God. Recalling and claiming his promises, remembering his loving purpose. Meditating on the truth that our God delights in showing mercy! 

God bless you all

Day 25


Where is God? 

Where is he when I really need him?
I’m crying out to him… but all I’m getting is silence 
Does he really answer prayer?

Ever thought anything like that?
Ever said anything like that?
Ever wondered anything like that?
Especially in this time of Covid-19

This week, Prayer Hour is all about…
Showing that God is really there
Showing that God does really care
Showing that God does really answer prayer

6 Stories

With 1 prayer:
Moses gets to change the mind of God
Hezekiah gets healed
Jonah gets saved
Hannah gets a son
Elisha defeats the enemy
Today – Jabez gets blessed

1 Chronicles 4: 9-10

Jabez prayed an audacious prayer and “God granted his request”
What is your audacious prayer today?

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” 

John 15:7


Waymaker - CLICK HERE
Lord I need you - CLICK HERE
Heal Our Land - CLICK HERE


Greater Manchester Prayer

Thursday 30th April 7.30pm – let’s join together in prayer with the churches of Manchester to see God change stuff in our city, land, world.

CLICK HERE to see the promo video.

Day 24


Psalm 113

This psalm is the first of the series called the “Hallel” which was sung in connection with the annual Jewish festivals, especially at the passover and feast of tabernacles.

To those of us who are not Jewish this is simply a psalm of praise however, it was clearly about Israel who was sunk so low in misery and was degraded - sunk down to the dust and the dunghill, so poor and needy, so lonely, sad, and filled with reproach like a woman denied of the gift of children.

He taketh the barren woman to keep house… this is not to be restricted to a literal interpretation. The true "barren woman” was Israel (Isaiah 54:1), whose curse of barrenness was ultimately removed, and who became, as here prophesied, a joyful mother of children.

By the grace and compassion of God, Israel had been lifted up, and set among princes. From Egypt’s slavery to the glories of David and Solomon, from the misery and shame of the destruction of Jerusalem when they were carried into captivity, to the brighter times of the return and restoration.

The psalm is split into 3

Firstly a call of praise to be claimed from all of God’s creation including moral beings and servants who do God’s will. From morning to evening claiming and covering all time, from East to West, covering all space.

Secondly, God is praised in the Heavens, with respect to his glory there.

Thirdly, it is about respecting God’s great doings.

Let’s remember the former and praise God for how he’s brought us personally through difficult and challenging times.

We all have a story to tell, some of the stories have come into times of praise and some of those stories are still being written. But can we trust God with the big picture? Can we trust God when we don’t understand the now? 

Read - Proverbs 3 v 5 & 6.
Song - God of Miracles - CLICK HERE


Pray that God will not just pull us through this season of unrest with Covid 19 but that we will see his transforming power at work in ours and many other lives.

Pray that God would comfort those who are struggling and grieving.

Praise God that he is trustworthy, our rock, shield and refuge.

Speak God’s promises into your life, over your loved ones and the world at this time.

Day 23


Psalm 42: 1-11

Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour and my God.

In difficult times it is so easy to question where God is in the storm, we are afraid we will be overwhelmed by it. Yet God wants, in fact expects us, to call out to Him, to determine to lean on Him, to press in to Him, to praise and worship Him because He is our rock, our refuge, our shelter, our hope…..

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2
Lament isn't giving up, it's giving over. When we lift up our sorrow and our pain, we turn it over to the only one who can meet it: our God.” (Josh Larsen)

A prayer for the pandemic
'Lord you are our refuge and shelter and we cry out to you.  Forgive us Lord that we haven’t put you first, nor given you the honour you deserve.  Lord have mercy and bring an end to this pandemic, it looms above like a huge mountain.  Our land has been shaken beyond measure, we fear for our future, for our loved ones – in your mercy Lord relent, bring healing and restoration, have favour on us Lord and bring us rest and revival.’

Praise you in the storm (Casting Crown) - CLICK HERE
Faithful one (Vineyard Worship) - CLICK HERE
Cornerstone (Hillsong Worship) - CLICK HERE
Lord we are weak, weary and burdened, come revive us and reign in us once again. As the deer pants for the water (Marty Nystrom) - CLICK HERE

Day 22


Psalm 103 (Full passage)

“Praise the Lord, my soul,

    and forget not all his benefits—

…..who redeems your life from the pit

    and crowns you with love and compassion,”

Take time to

Remind ourselves of who God IS:

God, our Father, is worthy to be praised, and this passage describes some of his characteristics which remind us of this. (Healer, gracious, compassionate, forgiving, slow to anger, abounding in love) As we take time to praise God, we can simply thank Him for who He IS.

Remind ourselves of what the Lord has DONE

Hard times can often distract or blind us to God’s current working and his everlasting goodness. Psalm 103 helps us by reminding us of how good God is and what he has done for us. It’s important that we praise God in all circumstances. 

Worship songs to listen to




“As a father has compassion on his children,

    so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;”