Day 28


Let’s read together
Jonah 2: 1-10

Jonah said, ‘In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me.’ 

Jonah recognised that he deserved death because he had run from God disobeying Him.  When everything seemed lost, he called out to God, who was his only hope, with humility, honesty and hopeful expectation that God would hear and answer. When saved he knows that God has shown him extraordinary mercy.  God compassionately heard his cry and answered!

Let us give thanks to God for His compassion, mercy and love.  Let’s thank Him that we can come boldly into His presence.  That His promise is ‘If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” John 15:7 He does hear our cries and answer!

Let us cry out to God with humility, honesty and hopeful expectation for the nation and the world. And let us remember to give Him thanks and praise for answered prayer.


Where oh Where is Your Presence O God 
(You’re still God – Godfrey Birtell) 

O no You never let go 
(Matt Redman) 

Way Maker 

This version of Way Maker ends with a time of raising the Name of Jesus, whose Name is above every other name,  over depression, loneliness, disease, cancer – so fitting for this time in the life of PBC and of this nation.  Let us claim this truth, believing for miracles.