We're so grateful for the generosity of those who give to Poynton Baptist Church. This enables us to demonstrate God’s love in our community, our nation and worldwide. We are not centrally funded so most of our income comes from donations
From 1st April 2025, PBC will have new bank details:
Name: Poynton Baptist Church
Account: 67401781
Sort Code: 08 92 99
This account will be used for everything church related apart from Clay.
Please use the reference Giving/Tithe/Offering for your regular donations.
For donations to the Poynton Community Larder, please use the reference FOOD.
For donations to our Fellowship Fund, please use the reference FF or Fellowship.
Thank you!
You can give through your bank as a one off gift or a standing order.
Name: Poynton Baptist Church,
Account:65838440 Sort Code:08-92-99
This is a simple and easy way to give. You can give a one time gift, respond to our appeals and set up standing orders.
Each Sunday service there is an opportunity to give cash or cheques by putting money in the offering bags which are circulated during services.

Boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate. If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift. To allow us to claim gift aid on your behalf, please complete the declaration below.
Fellowship Fund
The Fellowship Fund is a separate PBC Fund that we use to support those within the church that are in financial need. Please use the reference ‘FF’ or ‘Fellowship Fund’.
Name: Poynton Baptist Church,
Account:65838440 Sort Code:08-92-99