PBC is home to a group of 18-30s who are passionate about meeting together to pursue a deeper relationship with God and each other. We want to grow in our faith, encourage one another and be equipped for all that God wants to do in, and through us. This is an exciting ministry for many students and young adults and we love new people to join us!
Meeting in different houses across the local area, Tuesday evenings are a great time to socialise, learn together as we look at the bible and support each other in Prayer.
Many of us are linked with mentors within our church family. PBC is a church that believes in equipping our generation and the mentoring programme is a key part of this vision.
Amongst everything else we like to socialise; whether this is at The Acoustic Lounge for coffee after Sunday services, meeting down the pub or more organised fun, we always enjoy getting together.
We believe sport is a great way to build community so each week have a range of teams you can be part of. Our weekly football, netball and climbing activities are open to anyone who wants to be part of it.
Many of our Students disperse around the country during term time, but it’s great to have them back with us in the holidays. We often end the summer with a big BBQ before our students begin their new academic term, and it’s a great time for us all to be together, have a laugh and send them off in style.