At Poynton Baptist Church we aim to be a welcoming and nurturing Christian community, where everyone will feel safe to learn, grow and worship in safety.
One way that we do this is by being committed to safeguarding children, young people and adults, from harm, abuse and neglect.
We recognise and take seriously our responsibilities by having positive and proactive processes in place. These processes allow everyone to feel safe and maintain standards of best practice for the benefit of everyone in the church.
PBC has a safeguarding policy which can be accessed HERE
We have a safeguarding team whose role is to help ensure that polices are put into practice and who are available to receive reports of concern and need as well as offering advice when required.
If you have a concern about safeguarding at Poynton Baptist Church you can contact our safeguarding team on or 07989747362 (under 18s) / 07769913708 (over 18s)