Day 25


Where is God? 

Where is he when I really need him?
I’m crying out to him… but all I’m getting is silence 
Does he really answer prayer?

Ever thought anything like that?
Ever said anything like that?
Ever wondered anything like that?
Especially in this time of Covid-19

This week, Prayer Hour is all about…
Showing that God is really there
Showing that God does really care
Showing that God does really answer prayer

6 Stories

With 1 prayer:
Moses gets to change the mind of God
Hezekiah gets healed
Jonah gets saved
Hannah gets a son
Elisha defeats the enemy
Today – Jabez gets blessed

1 Chronicles 4: 9-10

Jabez prayed an audacious prayer and “God granted his request”
What is your audacious prayer today?

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” 

John 15:7


Waymaker - CLICK HERE
Lord I need you - CLICK HERE
Heal Our Land - CLICK HERE


Greater Manchester Prayer

Thursday 30th April 7.30pm – let’s join together in prayer with the churches of Manchester to see God change stuff in our city, land, world.

CLICK HERE to see the promo video.