Day 24


Psalm 113

This psalm is the first of the series called the “Hallel” which was sung in connection with the annual Jewish festivals, especially at the passover and feast of tabernacles.

To those of us who are not Jewish this is simply a psalm of praise however, it was clearly about Israel who was sunk so low in misery and was degraded - sunk down to the dust and the dunghill, so poor and needy, so lonely, sad, and filled with reproach like a woman denied of the gift of children.

He taketh the barren woman to keep house… this is not to be restricted to a literal interpretation. The true "barren woman” was Israel (Isaiah 54:1), whose curse of barrenness was ultimately removed, and who became, as here prophesied, a joyful mother of children.

By the grace and compassion of God, Israel had been lifted up, and set among princes. From Egypt’s slavery to the glories of David and Solomon, from the misery and shame of the destruction of Jerusalem when they were carried into captivity, to the brighter times of the return and restoration.

The psalm is split into 3

Firstly a call of praise to be claimed from all of God’s creation including moral beings and servants who do God’s will. From morning to evening claiming and covering all time, from East to West, covering all space.

Secondly, God is praised in the Heavens, with respect to his glory there.

Thirdly, it is about respecting God’s great doings.

Let’s remember the former and praise God for how he’s brought us personally through difficult and challenging times.

We all have a story to tell, some of the stories have come into times of praise and some of those stories are still being written. But can we trust God with the big picture? Can we trust God when we don’t understand the now? 

Read - Proverbs 3 v 5 & 6.
Song - God of Miracles - CLICK HERE


Pray that God will not just pull us through this season of unrest with Covid 19 but that we will see his transforming power at work in ours and many other lives.

Pray that God would comfort those who are struggling and grieving.

Praise God that he is trustworthy, our rock, shield and refuge.

Speak God’s promises into your life, over your loved ones and the world at this time.