Day 61


Prayer Hour this week is all about confession.
Each day at 12 midday, we’re going to be seeking God’s forgiveness for huge areas in our lives and in our communities where we have discriminated, where we have abused, where we have shown prejudice.

Today we’re dealing with the sin of racism.

All One…
God does not show favouritism (Acts 10:34)
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28)
And Yet…

  • In the 2019 there were 78,991 racist hate crimes in the UK

  • Despite BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) people making up just 8% of the UK population, 48% of all under 18s in prison come from a BAME background

  • Those from a Bangladeshi or Pakistani household earn £9000 a year less than those coming from a white British household

  • Those from a Caribbean household earn £5500 a year less than those coming from a white British household

  • Those coming from a BAME background rarely find senior positions in government, in the Church, in business, in sport.

And while this happens, too often we sit in silence 
It’s time to say sorry for the silence
It’s time to repent for the silence
It’s time to turn from the silence
It’s time to stand against the silence, to stand for the marginalised, to stand against injustice
It’s time to confess…

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