Day 62


Prayer Hour this week is all about confession.
Each day at 12 midday, we’re going to be seeking God’s forgiveness for huge areas in our lives and in our communities where we have discriminated, where we have abused, where we have shown prejudice.

Today we’re dealing with the sin of sexism.

All One…
God does not show favouritism (Acts 10:34)
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:28)
And Yet…

  • 33,000 girls become child brides every day

  • Only 6 countries give women equal legal work rights as men

  • For every female film character, there are 2.24 men

  • Women with full-time jobs still earn only about 77 percent of their male counterparts' earnings. 

  • 4 out of 5 victims of human trafficking are girls.

  • Female genital mutilation (FGM) affects more than 200 million girls and women alive today in 30 countries. It is recognized internationally as a human rights violation

  • Around the world, only 32 percent of all national parliamentarians are female

Our Example:

Jesus defied the cultural norms toward women, constantly. Jesus violated the traditions of his time in every single encounter with women recorded in the four Gospels.

Holy Spirit please help us to violate the social norms and traditions of our time. Give us boldness to speak loudly in both word and action for equality in our work-places, homes, and schools. 

Teach us how to love like Jesus loves. 

Effects of sexism - CLICK HERE

Here As In Heaven - CLICK HERE