Day 60


Prayer Hour this week is going global!

The budget didn’t quite stretch to physical travel, so instead we’re going to visit 6 different continents in prayer! Each day our intrepid explorers will choose a country from their chosen continent to pray for.

So, Today we focus on the Republic of Haiti 

One of the top ten poorest countries in the world

Capital: Port-au-Prince 

Population 10.2 million 

Area 27,750 sq km (10,714 sq miles) 

Major languages Creole, French 

Religion - Roman Catholicism is the official religion of Haiti, but voodoo may be considered the country's national religion. The majority of Haitians believe in and practice at least some aspects of voodoo. Most voodooists believe that their religion can coexist with Catholicism.

Chronic instability, dictatorships and natural disasters in recent decades have left it as the poorest nation in the Americas. An earthquake in 2010 killed more than 200,000 people and caused extensive damage to infrastructure and the economy.

COVID19 has come late to Haiti due to the of lack of tourism

Latest as of 2nd June: 2,640 cases, 50 deathsrecovered 24

It is increasingly clear, as with the 2010 earthquake, that the Haitian government will not be able to adequately respond to the current crisis without increased support from the international community.

Bible says in Prov 31:8 
Speak up for those who cannot speak up for themselves; and ensure justice for those being crushed.

and in Psalm 82:3-4 
...Uphold the cause of the poor...

Maybe we need a reminder today of our responsibility as church to care for the poorest of this world.

GIVE, ACT & PRAY is a great way to start being part of the solution, for just £28 you can sponsor a child through school whilst also covering their health care and discipleship.

Lets pray for Haiti that:

  • International aid is released to Haiti and that organisations like Compassion are able to do their work.

  • Wisdom for those in government 

  • An end to corruption and for aid and medical treatment to get through to those who desperately need it

  • Protection for our Christian brothers and sisters who are seeking to bring the good news of Jesus to Haiti and that the Island is transformed by the power of God.


Tim Hughes - God Of Justice - CLICK HERE

Leeland - Way Maker - CLICK HERE

All to Jesus I Surrender - CLICK HERE