Day 59

Thin Space

Prayer Hour this week is going global!

The budget didn’t quite stretch to physical travel, so instead we’re going to visit 6 different continents in prayer! Each day our intrepid explorers will choose a country from their chosen continent to pray for.

So, today we’re going to be praying for Australia!

On first impression Australia is a land of tranquillity, golden shorelines, peaceful politics, and good Neighbours. The perfect holiday brochure. However, over the last year and indeed throughout it’s history Australia has suffered in many areas and has gone through a great deal of hardships.

This year the world looked on in horror as Australia was on fire. 12.35 million acres of land was destroyed, over half a billion animals were perished, and lives were lost. Along with this devastation, covid19 has brought damaging effect to the people and economy of Australia. As Australians are entering their winter this July many fear that a second stronger wave of the corona virus will come.


  • For the government of Australia. Pray that they have wisdom and guidance from God. That they will be able to bring their people through these struggling times. That they will look to and become followers of Jesus Christ.

  • That God will heal the land and homes that have been destroyed in the recent bush fires

  • For the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of Australia, they have experienced violence and discrimination since the British colonization, and racism and distrust still exist between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. Pray that God will reach into the lostness of this magnificent ancient culture and that they will be provided a comfort and way forward that still preserves the uniqueness of who they are. That they will be shown a love and fellowship from all other Australians.

  • Traditionally a Christian nation with freedom of religion, Australia is becoming increasingly secular. While the majority of the population still claims to be Christian, only 10% attend church regularly. Pray that the Holy Spirit will sweep the nation, and indeed the whole continent. That the church will advance, and that revival will break out.

  • As Australia faces it’s first recession in 30 years, pray for stability and that God will provide for the needy and fearful.

Let us pray together, remembering the powerful and almighty God we serve. 
If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.  - John 14:14


So will I (100 Billion X) – Hillsong United - CLICK HERE
Another in the fire – Hillsong United - CLICK HERE
Touch the Sky – Hillsong United - CLICK HERE