Day 58

Thin Space

Prayer Hour this week is going global!

The budget didn’t quite stretch to physical travel, so instead we’re going to visit 6 different continents in prayer! Each day our intrepid explorers will choose a country from their chosen continent to pray for.

So, today we’re going to be praying for Uganda.

Prayer points for Uganda during this time:

Uganda has so far reported 0 COVID-19 related deaths, and the current stats show there have been around 522 cases in total. The impact of CODIV-19 however has still been huge, as the lockdown has affected everybody in huge ways.\\Today, as we pray, let us focus on three specific areas:

Poverty and loss of work:

Many people have lost jobs or are unable to continue with their work due to the strict lockdown rules - there is no furlough system in place like the UK and many parents and guardians are struggling to ensure their family are fed each day. Food distribution is happening thanks to charities, organizations and churches to help those who are most in need - let us pray that this continues and that people at least have their basic needs met. Pray that funding is available to keep fueling this work and food distribution.

Public health and safety:

Pray for hospitals and healthcare workers to be able to cope with the current cases and not become overwhelmed. Pray that people are able to afford the healthcare and treatments they need.
Statistics show that domestic violence has risen globally, and with people encouraged to stay home, many Ugandan women and children are at greater risk of abuse. Pray for peace and protection for households where this is the case,


Schools will be closed for at least another month now. Many children rely on school for safety and for being fed. Children are being given work to do at home but their home environments can often be very difficult and may not receive adequate support from parents and guardians at home. Pray that schools can reopen soon in a safe way to provide a safe place for children to learn. If you have a sponsor child, pray for them by name.

Let us uphold our brothers and sisters around the world in prayer today!
