Day 82


The Messenger

Prayer Hour this week is all about telling one person about Jesus… who tells another person about Jesus… who tells another person about Jesus…
Prayer Hour this week is all about passing it on. Prayer Hour this week is all about being The Messenger.

Today’s messenger – The Samaritan Woman

Immediate Response
Then the woman left her water jar and went back to the city. John 4:28

Testimony Shared
Many Samaritans from that city believed in him because of the woman's testimony, 'He told me everything I have every done'. John 4:39

How can we become The Messengers?

Respond to Grace not Shame

Jesus has just revealed that he knows about the Samaritan Woman's shameful relationship (John 4:16-18), yet she does not respond defensively or attempt to cover up her shame. Instead, she proclaims to many people what Jesus knew about her, in a response to his grace. Let us dwell in the forgiveness of Christ, that no shame will stop us from responding to the call of God.

Kingdom Priorities

The Samaritan Woman went to collect water but as she meets Jesus, she leaves this task in order to respond to his call. Collecting water no longer mattered. How can we hold our daily tasks loose enough that we can drop them at any moment to respond to a call of God? 

Share and Invite

People came to believe in Jesus as the Samaritan Woman shared her testimony and invited them to meet him. Her testimony was enough for them to believe until they met him for themselves. Sharing a testimony of what Jesus has done holds great power. Let us also not neglect the bold step of inviting people to know Jesus for themselves.


Lord may we live out of grace and never shame. 
Reveal to us where your kingdom is not our priority and change our hearts.
Fill us with boldness and courage to share and invite. 


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