Day 78


This week, Prayer Hour continues the theme of REVIVAL.

We’re going to be checking out revivals from as early as 1727 to revivals that are still going strong in 2020!

Today… it’s all about the Cali, Columbia revival

Where there is unity, God commands a blessing

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is when brothers live in harmony! It is like fine oil on the head, running down on the beard, running down Aaron’s beard over the collar of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the LORD has bestowed the blessing of life forevermore. Psalm 133:1 

What was it like?

For years Colombia has been the world’s biggest exporter of cocaine. The Cali cartel, which controlled up to 70 percent of this trade, has been called the largest, richest and most well-organized criminal organization in history. Employing a combination of bribery and threats, it wielded a malignant power that corrupted individuals and institutions alike.

 By the early 1990s, Cali had become one of the most thoroughly corrupt cities in the world.

 Like everything else in Cali, the church was in disarray

What happened?

started to come between a few pastors 

In faith they set up an all night prayer meeting in a local stadium expecting only a couple thousand people at the most.

Instead they got 25,000 praying all night till 6am the following morning. The Mayor who took the platform and declared "Cali belongs to Jesus Christ!”

That same year in June several intercessors had dreams in which angelic forces apprehended leaders of a drug cartel. Within 6 weeks of the dreams a team of elite commandos arrived to round up the drug lords and by August all 7 targeted drug lords had been captured.

What then?
200 pastors signed a covenant of unity which now serves as the backbone of the city’s regular high profile stadium prayer vigils held every 90 days, and attended by 10s of thousands each time.
Watch this video of the story -  CLICK HERE


Pray that like Cali we fall on our knees and pray for our town, city and nation.

Pray like Cali we unite with other churches in unity.

Pray for revival in our lifetime.

Watch the lastest Greater Manchester Prayer event and see what’s happening to get involved -


Revival's in the air - CLICK HERE 
Did you feel the mountains tremble - CLICK HERE