Day 69

Thin Space

This week, Prayer Hour is all about REVIVAL

Each day, we’re going to be checking out some of the awesome revival stories of the 20th century and praying in, asking God, pleading for, a new movement of the Spirit, a new revival in our nation/world today.

Today, we’re going to be checking out the Pyongyang Korea Revival 1907-1910

At the start of the 1900's Korea was ruled by the Japanese and exercising severe brutality. Those who refused to bow to the Japanese Emperor were subject to imprisonment, and some were even tortured and killed.

It was in August of 1906, in the City of Pyongyang, where the missionaries gathered for a week of prayer and Bible study. Dr. R. A. Hardie, who had been instrumental in the Wonsan Revival of 1903, was invited to lead the Bible study. The most extraordinary thing happened in this meeting. Towards the end of the evening, Hardie moved by the spirit got up and confessed his sin of racial hatred towards the Koreans. This bold move by the leader, prompted a mass confession of all believers that night. 

Reports of the other revivals including the 1904-1905 Welsh Revival were shared. These reports increased the missionaries’ desire for revival, and they made a commitment to extraordinary prayer, especially for the Korean believers, who struggled to repent for their hatred toward the Japanese.

What Happened?

The custom of Presbyterian Korean churches was to send representatives, at the beginning of each new year, to a 2-week Bible study in the city of Pyongyang. This would be open to pastors and leaders from throughout the nation. 

The Bible study for 1907 started on Wednesday, January 2. The evening meetings connected with the Bible study started on Sunday night, January 6, with 1,500 men being present. This represented leaders from hundreds of churches. 

On Saturday night, January 12, the Presbyterian missionary William Blair had preached on 1 Corinthians 12:27 and about how the Body of Christ are members of one another. After the sermon, the spirit broke out and revival began. 

Those attending the conference returned to their churches, carrying with them the “spirit of prayer”, and it impacted the churches and nation with revival. Conviction of sin, confession, repentance, and restitution became the common theme of this revival.

Results of the revival

  • Churches began to be planted everywhere and they grew rapidly.

  • Revivals started in the universities.

  • Many sensed God’s call on their lives to become evangelists and missionaries.

  • Early morning prayer (5am) became typical of Korean believers, with up to 10,000 gathering at times in one place.

  • People walked hundreds of miles to attend revival services.

  • Persecution from the Japanese increased, but the Church continued to grow.

  • By March 1907: 2,000 were converted

  • By July 1907: 30,000 were converted

  • By 1911 there were 200,000 Korean believers.

  • By 1912, there were about 300,000 Korean believers.

  • Today the largest churches in the world are found in Seoul.

  • Koreans have sent over 10,000 missionaries into other countries.

  • The Korean church has become a role model for believers around the world.  


North Korea is the worst place to live as a Christian these days. Pray for the persecuted church. 
Like this revival, we need to confess our sins first. 
Pray for revival to come to Poynton, Cheshire and Manchester