Day 68


This week, Prayer Hour is all about REVIVAL

Each day, we’re going to be checking out some of the awesome revival stories of the 20th century and praying in, asking God, pleading for, a new movement of the Spirit, a new revival in our nation/world today.

Today, we’re going to be checking out the Azusa Street Revival of 1906-09

During the 1905 Welsh Revival, similar revivals began taking place in nations throughout the world. The United States was no exception. As news of the Welsh revival arrived in the USA, anticipation that God would pour out his Spirit rose even more. Prayer meetings for revival were multiplied. Cities like New York, Washington, D.C. and Chicago united for revival prayer meetings and conferences on revival.

Joseph Smale and First Baptist Church of Los Angeles
In June of 1905 an unusual revival took place at the First Baptist Church of Los Angeles. In September, that congregation had sent their pastor, Joseph Smale, to Israel for rest and recuperation. On his return home he stopped and visited Wales, which at that time was still enjoying the lingering revival that began in November of 1904. When Smale returned to Los Angeles, he addressed his congregation, which was packed out, with the sermon text originating from Acts 2:15-17: “this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel.”

Immediately the congregation responded to the Holy Spirit’s undeniable presence. Two hundred people immediately ran to the front of the church and were weeping and sobbing. Many were crying so hard that their prayers were unable to be understood. Confession of sins, of both blacks and whites took place, and many were converted.

216 Bonnie Brae Street to 312 Azusa Street.

William Seymour became the personality prominently associated with the Azusa Street Revival. Seymour arrived in Los Angeles on February 22, 1906. Seymour then began meetings in a home at 216 North Bonnie Brae Street. It was there on April 9, 1906, that seven were baptized in the Holy Spirit, which included speaking in other tongues. The crowds at the home on Bonnie Brae grew so large that Seymour moved the meetings to an old building with a dirt floor, located at 312 Azusa Street. 

The services went on day and night for three years, with missionaries arriving from locations around the globe, who, after experiencing a “New Pentecost,” returned to their fields of labour and recognised that they had become carriers of God’s presence, as revival broke out in the nations where they were serving.

People from all denominations, from practically every state in the nation came seeking a fresh encounter with God. Those who came believing left with their faith renewed, having witnessed unity among the denominations and races, miraculous healings, and an undeniable presence of God.

Our Prayer

Father, as we pray for revival now, inspire us by your Holy Spirit, raise our faith, so that we believe that God you will move in our town, and through PBC. Convict us of our sins, and build a desire in us for spiritual intimacy every day. Send your power, pour out your spirit on us today! 


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