Day 56


Prayer Hour this week is going global!

The budget didn’t quite stretch to physical travel, so instead we’re going to visit 6 different continents in prayer! Each day our intrepid explorers will choose a country from their chosen continent to pray for.

So, today we’re going to be praying for Uruguay, Brazil & Venezuela 

COVID situation is stable. 

Church Situation 

Uruguay is known as one of the most secular nations in all of Latin America, with very liberal social laws.  It is estimated that as many as 17 percent of the people claim to be atheists or agnostic.  Almost half of Uruguayans claim to be Catholic, though only 2% regularly attend mass. The nation values its secular mindset, and has even been known to refer to Holy Week as “Tourism Week.” 

With some of Latin America’s highest rates of suicide, depression, abortion and divorce, many Uruguayans are realising that the New Age “do it yourself” thinking that has prevailed is not working. Whereas evangelistic work in Uruguay has been slow and painstaking in the past, it is now gaining momentum as churches and ministries focus on the spiritual needs of the people that only Jesus Christ can satisfy.

Lack of knowledge of God gives opening to a spirit of error. Afro-Brazilian Spiritism is the fastest growing religion in Uruguay. The largest non-Catholic religious bodies are cults and sects of questionable orthodoxy. While 81% believe in God, most adhere to a “do-it-yourself” spirituality influenced by New Age thinking. Pray for all religious deceptions to be exposed and the demonic powers behind them defeated.

Prayers for Uruguay 

  • Pray for spiritual maturity throughout the rapidly-growing evangelical church. 

  • Pray for the Spirit of God to transform lives within sprawling urban slums.

  • Pray for missionaries to be sent to areas and roughly 130 tribes unreached by the Gospel.

  • Pray for protection over the minds and souls of those searching demonic realms. 

CLICK HERE to watch a prayer video

Brazil Brazil is the worst COVID affected country in Latin America, followed by Argentina. 

President Jair Bolsonaro seems to be turning a blind-eye to the serious threat. He fired the previous Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta over disagreements about social distancing guidelines. He said he would appoint a health minister who favoured reopening businesses "as quickly as possible"

Prayers for Brazil

  • Please pray for the Favelas (Brazilian slums). Lack of hygiene, constant close proximity and citizens have to leave their homes if they want to provide food for their families.  

  • Thank you God for - ‘The Send’ - 3 stadiums of people praying and fasting & seeking revival. 

  • Pray the Holy Spirit brings unity amongst the denominations. That churches will work together, rather than build up their own separate empires. 


  • Pray against the political corruption and greed  

  • That God will protect citizens during protests & riots 

  • Bless the nation as it struggles with its financial collapse due to drop in oil prices, their main source of income. 

Prayer Cast from Uruguay - CLICK HERE