Day 55


Prayer Hour this week is going global!

The budget didn’t quite stretch to physical travel, so instead we’re going to visit 6 different continents in prayer! Each day our intrepid explorers will choose 1 country from their chosen continent to pray for.

So, on Tuesday – it’s all about South America, on Wednesday – it’s all about Asia, on Thursday – it’s all about Africa, on Friday – it’s all about Oceania, on Saturday – it’s all about North America, and today, it’s all about Europe (sorry Antarctica – you didn’t get a look in!)

So, today we’re going to be praying for FRANCE

France – the Covid-19 situation
152 000 cases
28 802 deaths
A country coming out of lockdown into financial despair
France – the Church situation
In 1990, 80% of French people called themselves Roman Catholic. In 2007 that number had dropped to just 51%.
In France just 2% of the population go to church.
In France there are just 400 000 evangelical Christians (0.7% of the population).
Only half the homes in France possess a Bible.
Only a quarter of French people have ever opened the Bible.
In France there are regions with only 1 protestant church for every 50 000 people.
In France there are regions where there is just 1 Roman Catholic priest for every 40 Roman Catholic churches.


‘1 Pour 10 000’ This is the dream of French churches that there would be 1 Father-loving, Jesus-centred, Spirit-filled church for every 10 000 people – pray it in!
Check out this video, it’ll help you pray
Prayer Cast France - CLICK HERE
La Bénédiction France - CLICK HERE
Que Dieu vous bénisse!