Day 46


This week in Prayer Hour we’re checking out the world’s most famous prayer.

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come. 
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,

    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation.”

(Luke 11:2-4)

 ‘Give us each day our daily bread.’ Jesus continues to remind us that this prayer is about relationship and dependence.  He is saying ask the Father each day to meet our needs.  Be dependent on Him. Why? Because Abba Father loves us, His children, beyond measure. He wants to provide for us, protect us, wants the very best for us and is a generous Father.  

Ask Him for food for our bodies to give us strength and nourishment and spiritual food for our souls because He is the bread of life.  Not every now and then, but daily coming to deepen our relationship with Him, to grow closer to Him, recognising more and more how deeply He cares for us. The closer our relationship to Him, the better we are able to trust Him to meet our needs, to be Jehovah Jirah (The Lord provider).

            ‘Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything (every circumstance and situation) by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your (specific) requests known to God.  And the peace of God (that peace which reassures the heart, that peace) which transcends all understanding, (that peace which) stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (is yours).’  Phil 4: Amplified Bible


For ourselves
That we would draw closer to Him

Thank Him for the provision you have received

What are our needs?  What do we need to ask Him for today?  

Let’s ask Him to show us if He wants to use us to be part of His provision for someone else – picking up meds, a phone call, a prayer………

For others

For those who need His provision today – food – finance – strength ….

For the anxious and fearful that they have strength for each day and would come to know His peace

For wisdom for all those making difficult decisions during this crisis – the Government, Councils, all care systems, businesses, schools……

Your Love is Strong (Jon Foreman) - CLICK HERE
Good Good Father  (Chris Tomlin) - CLICK HERE