Day 45


This week in Prayer Hour we’re checking out the world’s most famous prayer.

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come. 
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,

    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation.”

(Luke 11:2-4)

Your Kingdom come 

Yesterday we looked at the start of the lords prayer beginning with Father, recognising that we are part of his family and have the privilege to approach him confidently as sons and daughters. 

Usually it is so easy to move straight onto our needs and begin to read off list of requests. However the lords prayer shows a different way. Rob White in his book 'Teach us to pray' says 

'Prayer preserves Gods interests before it takes care of ours.'

This is begining the prayer with focusing on the needs and will of God, not our own. When we ask for the kingdom to come we are asking for Gods rule and reign in people lives, our lives and this world. When the King comes - it transforms your life. This is what we are asking for, for churches to be revitalised, this nation to be transformed and our lives to be ruled by God. 

The question is though, do we really want this? This could interrupt our lifestyle and our desires. Maybe easy words to say but hard to truly mean. 

Notice the language that is used in this line - your kingdom COME. This isn't a request or a polite British suggestion, it is a command. Jesus is teaching us to have authority to command change in these lands. We are almost saying we are done with the kingdom of darkness - we want to see things done your way and not clouded by our desires but yours.


Spend some time commanding God's kingdom to be present in your own life, your friends and families lives and this nation. 
