Day 20


Let's read
Psalm 96

Still I WIll Praise - Lucy Grimble 

Sometimes a song feels so costly
And worship takes all that I have
In seasons of life where it's hard to see
And hard to understand
That you are still God in the wilderness
You are still God in the pain
You are the God that is with me
When all else is stripped away

Still I will praise, Still will praise
Even in this oh Lord, Still I will praise

So sweet is the song I can only sing
Here in the barren place
How tender the praise I can only give
Here in my earthly pain
When my heart is broken in pieces
And I don't have much to bring
With all I have left I will worship
Give you this offering

Still I will praise, Still will praise
Even in this oh Lord, Still I will praise

One day I'll see you in glory,
You'll wipe every tear away
I will no longer remember
The pain I feel today
And in the light of forever
Face to face with my God
There I will know I have always been
Held in the arms of love

Still I will praise, Still will praise
Even in this oh Lord, Still I will praise