Day 19


“Christian lament is not simply complaint. Yes, it stares clear-eyed at awfulness and even wonders if God has gone...Yet at its fullest, biblical lament expresses sorrow over losing a world that was once good alongside a belief that it can be made good again. Lament isn't giving up, it's giving over. When we lift up our sorrow and our pain, we turn it over to the only one who can meet it: our God.” (Josh Larsen)
“Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.” Psalm 130: 1-2
“My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long?” Psalm 6:3

Lament & Worship
Prayer Hour this week will focus on the book of Psalms – interlacing Psalms of Lament with Psalms of Worship.
Today is all about Lament
Psalm 44: 1-26

Lament in Worship
Sovereign Over Us - CLICK HERE
Weep With Me - CLICK HERE

 Lament in Prayer
161,015 dead
2,337,614 with the virus
Cry out to God, lament to God, plead with God concerning Covid-19
It’s not giving up, it’s giving over!