Day 45


This week in Prayer Hour we’re checking out the world’s most famous prayer.

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come. 
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,

    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation.”

(Luke 11:2-4)

Your Kingdom come 

Yesterday we looked at the start of the lords prayer beginning with Father, recognising that we are part of his family and have the privilege to approach him confidently as sons and daughters. 

Usually it is so easy to move straight onto our needs and begin to read off list of requests. However the lords prayer shows a different way. Rob White in his book 'Teach us to pray' says 

'Prayer preserves Gods interests before it takes care of ours.'

This is begining the prayer with focusing on the needs and will of God, not our own. When we ask for the kingdom to come we are asking for Gods rule and reign in people lives, our lives and this world. When the King comes - it transforms your life. This is what we are asking for, for churches to be revitalised, this nation to be transformed and our lives to be ruled by God. 

The question is though, do we really want this? This could interrupt our lifestyle and our desires. Maybe easy words to say but hard to truly mean. 

Notice the language that is used in this line - your kingdom COME. This isn't a request or a polite British suggestion, it is a command. Jesus is teaching us to have authority to command change in these lands. We are almost saying we are done with the kingdom of darkness - we want to see things done your way and not clouded by our desires but yours.


Spend some time commanding God's kingdom to be present in your own life, your friends and families lives and this nation. 



Day 44


This week in Prayer Hour we’re checking out the world’s most famous prayer.

hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come. 
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,

    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation.”

(Luke 11:2-4)


Jesus mentioned God was his father over 150 times and that he was our Father 30 times! 

For this reason they tried all the more to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

In the Old Testament - God was known and referred to as the Father of Israel and also more broadly Father of all men - Creator God.  

Father implies male characteristics but he is far more than that. Catholic Catechism - He is neither man or woman he is God!

Also, God is often described with many motherly characteristics as well. -- Isaiah 42:14, 49:14, 66:12, Matthew 23:37 

Our Father becomes personal to us in the New Testament through Jesus Christ the only true Son of God. 

Ephesians 2:17 - MSG - Christ came and preached peace to you outsiders and peace to us insiders. He treated us as equals, and so made us equals. Through him we both share the same Spirit and have equal access to the Father.

God can become familiar & close. Jesus often called him ABBA - Daddy. And says we can call him that also. New Intimacy - New Trust. 

Our Father knows us deeply - every visible and hidden detail. 

Through Jesus’s death and resurrection we receive the underserved title of brothers and sisters of Christ. We were separated from God by our sinful ways but through Jesus's sacrifice we're given a way back! And the Father waits for us with open arms. - Luke 15:11-32

We are adopted by the Father into his eternal family, and therefore citizens of heaven. Galatians 4:4-7

Let us worship our Father as we pray this morning. 


Spend the next few minutes building relationship.

Spend the next few minutes building dependence on God 

(And while you’re at it, ask for an end of, a vaccine for, and a healing from Covid-19!)



King of Kings - CLICK HERE

Day 43


This week in Prayer Hour we’re checking out the world’s most famous prayer.

hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come. 
Give us each day our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins,

    for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. 
And lead us not into temptation.”

(Luke 11:2-4)

Why Pray?

To kick off this week in the Lord’s Prayer we’re beginning today with verse 1 – we’re beginning with ‘Why Pray?’

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.” (Luke 11:1)

Why Pray?

For Jesus it was all about relationship, to go build relationship with Abba, with Daddy, with Father.

Why Pray?

For Jesus it was all about dependence.   

When Jesus stepped off his throne and stepped out of his home in Heaven, he stepped out of his God powers and became incarnate. God – in my shoes! So, down on Planet Earth all his power, all his strength, all his healings, all his miracles came about because of prayer, came about because God answered his prayers, came about because Jesus depended on the power of God living in him. And so he depended on God – for everything!

“Teach Us To Pray”

The disciples saw the relationship that Jesus had with Abba – and they wanted some of it.

The disciples saw the dependence that Jesus had on Abba – and they wanted some of it.

Is it about time that you and I wanted the same?


Spend the next few minutes building relationship.

Spend the next few minutes building dependence on God 

(And while you’re at it, ask for an end of, a vaccine for, and a healing from Covid-19!)


Worthy of it all - CLICK HERE

King of my heart - CLICK HERE

Day 42


Salvation and Heaven 

The Criminals

Luke 23:32-43

Criminals on the Cross – Different Destinations
At the climax of a lifetime’s interaction with sinners, we see Jesus between two criminals. One joins the mockers and dies with his sins. The other admits his guilt, acknowledges Jesus’ majesty and seeks His mercy.  

We are all guilty, and King Jesus shows mercy to all. Only one thing remains. Like the repentant criminal, we must put our last and only hope in the King. No mere human effort compares. Nothing we sinners might do can erase our past, meet God’s holy demands, and usher us into heaven.

But if we turn to Jesus, He will never send us away. We can be sure of paradise simply because only He can offer such a gift, and only He can keep such a promise.

Forgiven - Bethel Music and Brian Johnson - CLICK HERE
How He Loves - Bethel Music and Peter Mattis - CLICK HERE
Breathe / What A Friend I’ve Found Hillsong Worship  - CLICK HERE

Prayer and Praise

  • Thank Jesus that he paid the price for your salvation because he thought you were worth dying for. 

  • Choose to live for him and share this amazing gift. 

  • Pray for those who don’t know this amazing gospel to be reached. 

  • Pray for those who need to know God’s forgiveness today. 

  • Ask God to put someone on your mind to share with today.

  • Pray for Godly wisdom for those in authority today, church leaders, your employers….

  • Pray for those suffering today that they would know God’s peace and healing.

Day 41


Ordinary People – Extra-ordinary Stuff!
During Prayer Hour this week we’re going to be checking out stories in the Bible of a whole bunch of ordinary people doing extraordinary stuff for their God.

2 Kings 22 – 23

For today’s prayer topic we are looking at the life and character of Josiah, King of Judah. We see how Josiah, wanting to do what was right in the sight of the Lord, comes to the realisation of how wicked and ungodly his nation had become. When he heard the words of the law, he had a repentant heart and began there and then to clean out all the things that angered God from the Temple and from his nation.

How do you feel when the magnifying glass is held up to your heart?
Do you have the feeling that there’s rubbish stored up in your Temple?

Our Holy God wants us to draw closer to Him and not allow our foolish choices of our past and self-destructive ways to get in the way of the relationship we can have with Him.

During this prayer hour let’s allow God to search our hearts, unlock our troubles, and allow Him to take centre stage. Let us be challenged, cleansed, and renewed. For when these things happen, it is then we can be most effective for Him. Although we carry so much baggage and so often slip up, He is faithful to forgive. Such is His amazing grace!


Here I am (Majesty) – Delirious - CLICK HERE
Carry my soul – Phil Wickham - CLICK HERE
Amazing, because it is – The Almost - CLICK HERE

Day 40


Ordinary People – Extra-ordinary Stuff!
During Prayer Hour this week we’re going to be checking out stories in the Bible of a whole bunch of ordinary people doing extraordinary stuff for their God.  Today, let me introduce you to Naaman.

2 Kings 5: 1-27  
‘Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel.’

God’s grace and healing, leads to Naaman making a confession of faith. 
 A young girl from Israel who had been taken captive and found herself  in the wrong country, in the wrong job and with the wrong people, offered a simple, short, faith filled sentence to her mistress that helped bring about change in Naaman’s life.  

When Naaman was offended because his pride was hurt, servants encouraged him to do the right thing and he dipped himself in the Jordan. He received his healing when he did things God’s way and accepted what God was offering.  

God used unlikely people to do His work and look what happened?! Praise God that the gift of healing and salvation are available to all today.

Consider for a moment:

  • Am I available to offer a simple, faith filled sentence to someone in need.  It may not seem much to us but in God’s hands it can open the door to His grace moving in their life or situation?  Let’s ask God to open our eyes to see when opportunities come our way, and the courage to respond.

  • Am I willing to help others when they are struggling with faith issues, wanting them to receive God’s best?

  • In my own journey with God, do I humbly do things God’s way or do I try and bargain with Him, or want Him to do things my way?  

Lord, please will You use me in new ways to show your love, compassion and care to those I come into contact with,  so that they might be blessed, healed, strengthen, saved, transformed and released into service for You.  May they declare like Naaman, ‘Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel’.

  • Who is God calling you to pray for or talk to?

  • For God to move in power over this land

  • For courage and boldness to step out for Him.  We are God’s servants, here to bring good news.

  • For those anxious about returning to work or school and for those struggling financially in these difficult times.

Salvation is Here (Hillsong) - CLICK HERE
Desert Song (Hillsong) - CLICK HERE
Build My Life (Housefires) - CLICK HERE

Day 39


Ordinary People – Extra-ordinary Stuff!
During Prayer Hour this week we’re going to be checking out stories in the Bible of a whole bunch of ordinary people doing extraordinary stuff for their God. Today, let me introduce you to Shiphrah and Puah

2 Samuel 15:13-22

Ittai's loyalty played a huge part in King David's victory. He said

But Ittai replied to the king, “As surely as the Lord lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, there will your servant be.”

No matter what the cost, he would serve King David till the end. When it comes to our faith, could we say the same about following Jesus? 

Ask God to help you with loyalty. Following Jesus no matter what it costs is hard to say never mind do. Ask God to help you in this. 

I Will Follow - CLICK HERE

Day 38


Ordinary People – Extra-ordinary Stuff!
During Prayer Hour this week we’re going to be checking out stories in the Bible of a whole bunch of ordinary people doing extraordinary stuff for their God. Today, let me introduce you to Shiphrah and Puah

1 Samuel 25, 1-42

Abigail's courageous actions saved many lives & needless bloodshed. She rescued David from blood-guilt caused by his anger. She protected the innocent and corrected the selfishness of her foolish husband. 

Our Stand
As ordinary people – where is God asking us to take an extra-ordinary stand?
In your family? 
In your office?
Concerning justice? 
Concerning inequality? 
Concerning making Jesus famous?

Ask God where he wants you to take a stand


Not Ashamed - CLICK HERE

Burn For You - CLICK HERE