Day 9


Lament is what happens when people ask, “Why?” and don’t get an answer.

Yesterday was a struggle. I was struggling to believe that this self-isolation has only lasted one week (not one year!) I was struggling to imagine, what with the rising death-count, this all being over soon. I was struggling with the long distance between myself and my fiancé, not seeing my friends. But mostly I was struggling to remember where I found motivation and hope before this pandemic filled my life. 

The problem was my fears and complaints, selfish and selfless ones, were festering in my head and struggling to escape. 

Thankfully I was reminded this morning that God also struggles when he sees his children trapped, sick and lonely. God is grieved to his heart. I also believe he desperately wants us to join with him, crying over the brokeness, pleading for relief and rescue, rather than keeping it locked up, or even trying to explain what’s happening and why. 

I'm reminded of this passage from The Magician's Nephew (C.S. Lewis):

Digory - But please, please - won't you - can't you give me something that will cure Mother?'

Up till then he had been looking at the Lion's great feet and the huge claws on them; now, in his despair, he looked up at its face. What he saw surprised him as much as anything in his whole life. For the tawny face was bent down near his own and (wonder of wonders) great shining tears stood in the Lion's eyes. They were such big, bright tears compared with Digory's own that for a moment he felt as if the Lion must really be sorrier about his Mother than he was himself.

'My son, my son,' said Aslan. 'I know. Grief is great.'

I often remind myself that God carries our burdens with us, and I earnestly believe that they are not too heavy for him. But I often forget that he is filled with compassion and in his mercy he grieves over our hardships with us! 

Let's bring our struggles and lamentations to God today. Remembering he is the 'Grieved Father', the 'Son who wept' and the 'Holy Spirit who groans within us'. 

Psalm 13:
How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? 
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?  Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. 
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 
I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me.

The article I read is found here:

God Bless, 
