Day 71


This week, Prayer Hour is all about REVIVAL

Each day, we’re going to be checking out some of the awesome revival stories of the 20th century and praying in, asking God, pleading for, a new movement of the Spirit, a new revival in our nation/world today.

Today, we’re going to be checking out - the Revival on the Island of Lewis (Hebridean Revival): 1949-1952

The Isle of Lewis is located to the North west corner of the group of islands known as the Hebrides, or Western Isles. The Hebrides are known as the "long islands" as they stretch for 100 miles. These beautiful and rural islands are known for their unique Gaelic language, music, stunning shorelines, and rich wildlife. But most memorable, and most importantly is what happened during 1949-1952.

At a time when the church on these islands had reportedly become stagnant, who were in a ‘spiritual winter’ and Christianity was but a duty for many, two elderly sisters began to pray. Peggy and Christine Smith, 84 and 82 years old–Peggy completely blind, and Christine bent over with arthritis—were burdened due to the depressed spiritual state in their Barvas village church. They sensed the Lord speaking to them: “I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground.” (Isaiah 44:3).
This led them to pray in their small cottage two to three nights per week, from 10 p.m. till 3 a.m. After several weeks of praying like this, Peggy had a vision of her church being crowded with young people, and an unknown minister preaching from the pulpit. They then entreated with their minister, Rev. James Murray MacKay, to pray and to get ready for revival.

What stemmed from these fervent prayers was a time of miraculous events and thousands of lives being changed by the Holy Spirit. A preacher by the name Duncan Campbell was led to the island and his speaking was used massively to convict and reach the lost, The Hebridean Revival is an incredible picture of what can be done through the power of prayer! There was a huge feeling all over the island that God was amongst them, they were struck with a huge conviction of their sins, and soul after soul came to knowledge of needing the Saviour.
The conviction of sin was overwhelming, and though some attempted to run from that conviction power, it followed them wherever they went, into bars and even across the channel to the mainland.
There were prostrations. This is not what is commonly referred to as being “slain in the Spirit,” but prostrations due to the overwhelming presence of God (Daniel 10).

There was incredible occurrences with people seeing just exactly what the Holy Spirit can do when we sincerely seek a revival. Normal work and activities were the set to the side for people to get right with God and for Christians to share the Gospel with others. People crowded into churches and homes and cried out to be saved. There were sailors becoming Christians in passing ships who felt the Spirit, houses shook as people prayed inside, and light was visibly seen shinning off people as they walked through the towns.

Hereis a powerful and bold prayer from one man on the island just before revival broke out that we should pray over own lives and towns -

God, do You know that Your honour is at stake? You promised to pour water on the thirsty and floods on the dry ground, and God, You are not doing it. There are five ministers in this meeting, and I don’t know where a one of them stands in Your presence, not even Mr. Campbell. But if I know anything at all about my own poor heart, I think I can say, and I think that You know, I stand before You as an empty vessel, that I’m thirsty! Thirsting for Thee and for a manifestation of Thy power. I’m thirsty to see the devil defeated in this parish (county of Arnol). I’m thirsty to see this community gripped as You gripped Barvas. I’m longing for revival and God, You are not doing it! I am thirsty, and You promised to pour water on me. God, Your honor is at stake, I now take it upon myself to challenge You to fulfil Your covenant engagement!

CLICK HERE - Interviews with eyewitnesses alive at the time of revival.

How many were saved? There was a fear to count the converted, as ministers didn’t want to fall into David’s sin of pride (1 Chron. 21:2). Though that was the general attitude towards counting converts, we did find one record that stated there were 20,000 converts during the first five weeks.
Duncan Campbell indicated that 75% of those saved during the Hebrides Revival were saved before they came to church. 
What an incredible God we serve!

That we will come to Him in honesty, with conviction, and in boldness.
That we would be more dedicated to pray.
That our hearts yearn after holiness.
That we would come to the defence of God’s honour.