Day 52


Care Sector


The UK has a population with a rising life expectancy/ ageing population
There are over 1.6million people in the UK over the age of 85 
There are 850,000 thousand people in the UK with dementia
Social care contributes £20Billion to the UK economy 
1.4 million UK workers are employed in the social care sector.

Social care includes child protectionyouth work, people suffering with their mental health, people with learning and physical disabilities and vulnerable children and adults.


According to the UK office of National Statistics on 15th May 2020, there had been 36,639 Corona-virus related deaths in the 65+ age group out of a total UK deaths of 41,220. 16,962 of those deaths were amongst people aged 85+, 46% of the total. 

We hear stories in the news regarding what is going on in care homes around the country. 


This has resulted in many families loosing loved ones. 
This has resulted in a stressful time for those working on the front line in the care sector.
This has resulted in a stressful time for many families, looking after relatives who have learning and physical disabilities. 
This has resulted in a stressful time for people who have mental health problems. 
This has resulted in a lot of worry and stress for millions of elderly people in the UK, particularly those in care homes/ supported living. 

Poynton and beyond

In Poynton there are various care homes, such as Carmel Lodge Care Home, Parklands Care Home, Oakland Court (Assisted Living), MHA Woodlands Nursing and Dementia Care Home, Clumber House Nursing Home.
Maybe you can find out some of the names of the care homes close to where you live so that you can pray for them by name and for the staff and residents who live and work there. 

Let’s pray for

God-given wisdom and courage for our UK Government as they make decisions regarding these challenges. 

The vulnerable elderly people for whom this is a scary and stressful time, many in care homes but also more widely across the UK. 

Care staff working on the front line, putting their own lives at risk to care for the vulnerable and elderly.

Families across the UK supporting loved ones who fall under the social care bracket. 

Prayer for the demands of social workers and foster carers. 

Galatians 5:14 For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your Neighbour as yourself’

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. 

At this time we may not be able to visit the vulnerable but we can certainly pray for them!

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