Day 16


Holy Week

This is Holy Week. We are going to wander to the cross and wander to the empty tomb with Jesus.

John 19:16b – 37

Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
It is ‘finished’ - the Greek word ‘tetelestai’ which means ‘paid in full’.   He declared it for all to hear.  He uttered a loud cry to His Father in heaven for the whole world to know, for His work on the cross was complete.  The work His Father gave Him to do was now finished.  Our relationship with the Father restored because of His love, His pain, His humiliation, His obedience, His sacrifice, He has paid our debt in full – freely surrendering to the Father’s will, freely laying down His life.

Songs to help you worship
How deep the Father’s love - CLICK HERE
At the cross – Chris Tomlin - CLICK HERE
O to see the dawn - CLICK HERE

This song speaks of the whole of Jesus’ work on the cross.
Man of sorrows - CLICK HERE

Jesus gave His life on the cross that our relationship with the Father might be restored.  Let us ask God to show us if there are any relationships in our lives that are in need of restoration – with God, with a family member, with a friend or with one another.
DAVE - Please continue to pray for Dave who is still in ICU at this time, that He may know God’s healing and restoration and for his family that they might find comfort, strength and peace in the Father’s love.
EASTER - Let us pray that God would draw many to Himself this Easter.  If you have family or friends on your heart, then pray especially for them over the coming days.