Day 101


Prayer Hour is going to take a break during the month of August to allow staff and regular contributors to take some time off and rest. So, this will be our last week of Prayer Hour before we break for the summer holiday.

Today, we ask the question
What has God been saying to me during lockdown? 

Firstly, wow! 101 days of Prayer Hour! I remember being in the office at PBC all those months ago with Rueben, Joel, and Will (minus the moustache). We were all talking about what church may be going to look like during lockdown, and Rueben first mentioned Prayer Hour.

I know I speak for everyone who has taken part, that leading you into a time of prayer has been a real privilege. During the Prayer Hours and throughout lockdown I’ve learnt a lot. So, today we’re going to have a look at some things that I’ve experienced, however, we’re going to be doing something a little different… I have composed a letter… to me before lockdown. You can proofread it with me.


Key verse: Philippians 3:5-6

Question to ask ourselves:

How does your faith compare to now and to before lockdown?
Has what you’ve experienced during the past month moulded and challenged it?It is a beautiful thing, personal faith. Everyone’s faith is different. Everyone has, not just during lockdown, had different experiences that have brought them to where their personal faith is today. It’s amazing what a simple idea like joining in prayer can do to one’s personal faith. As we take this break, I pray that you have gained and grown because of Prayer Hour and that you have a joy new for coming into God’s presence.“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive if you have faith.”