Day 5



Each day this week we have been encouraging the church to pray, be that at home or at work and be united in crying out to God. To help focus the prayer, we have been putting out daily short videos on our Facebook page. To watch these back visit our Facebook page or CLICK HERE 

Join us at 12pm today by clicking the link below 


Day 5 


Ps 46: 1 Reminds us God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in time of trouble. So let’s start our time of prayer by focusing on Him in praise and worship:
 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. 
Philippians: 4:4-7

Praise is a powerful tool, it lifts our spirts and helps us re-focus on God. It also declares how mighty our God is: Psalm 93:4 says He is “mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea, - the Lord on high is mighty’.  (It is good to remind ourselves that He is mightier than
Let’s all rejoice in all the good things God has given us
Deuteronomy: 26:11

Let us all be keepers of the light: for God made His light shine in our hearts
2 Corinthians: 4:6 


Prayer:  For our family, friends and neighbours who are struggling with this virus, in isolation, feeling vulnerable, suffering with loneliness or alone without close family. That God will strengthen them to keep battling through. That He will give them His peace to know what is outside of their control is not outside of His and He will guard them under His wings of protection”
Prayer: For healing to those who have this virus, protection for those isolating & for those on the frontline - carers, NHS workers, supermarket workers etc. For parents struggling to work at home and look after their children.  For those who are anxious and fearful.
Prayer: Let us boldly ask for the additional ventilators and personal protective equipment to be available urgently. For those producing them to have the inspiration they need to be able to develop and manufacture them speedily. 
Above all, let us ask boldly for a cure and an end to this virus 
Prayer: Thank you Lord that in this day and age we have the means and technology to stay in touch with one another. We ask that you will inspire many Christian leaders throughout this land to think innovatively of new ways to share your Gospel. 
Let us encourage and pray for one another – someone within PBC, a neighbour, a friend, someone on the frontline, those stepping up to volunteer etc. 
Let us choose faith over fear!

Nicky Gumbel reminds us to choose Faith over fear. If you haven’t seen this it’s worth watch. Click the picture to the left.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13


The countdown begins for our next PBC LIVE service this Sunday.

Join us on FacebookYouTube or our Website at 10.30am for our livestream. 

If you would like to watch our livestream from Sunday, please click the image below.

Day Four



Each day this week we have been encouraging the church to pray, be that at home or at work and be united in crying out to God. To help focus the prayer, we have been putting out daily short videos on our Facebook page. To watch these back visit or Facebook page or CLICK HERE 

Today we are going LIVE for a little longer than usual and opening up the focus to you guys. We would like to hear from you - what it is that you need/like us to pray for. Please join us at 12pm on Facebook and message in the things we can be praying for. Click below to join the livestream. 



CLICK HERE and stand with the rest of the UK.

Greater Manchester Prayer 

We want to invite you to join other churches, organisations and Christians across the UK to a special Facebook live prayer event, being hosted by Greater Manchester Prayer. 

They will be leading us in prayer for our nation, our world and the churches response to the coronavirus. To join in all you need to do is head to the Greater Manchester Prayer Gathering Facebook page on 26 March at 7.30pm and
tune into to the Facebook live event and join with others in prayer. 


The countdown begins for our next PBC LIVE service this Sunday. Join us on FacebookYouTube or our Website at 10.30am for our livestream. 

If you would like to watch PBC LIVE - Sunday 22nd March, please click the image below.

Day Three



Each day at midday, we are gathering in our separate spaces – be that at home or at work – to pray for 1 hour. Click on the link below just before midday for a 10 minute livestream from one of our staff team focusing on
today’s prayer theme.


Thank you for joining us 

Day 3 - Let us pray!

United prayer is a powerful thing! And I feel comforted by the thought that our Church family is humbly interceding to our Saviour everyday at midday! 

"For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them." 
Matthew 18:20

It's also exciting to know today Pope Francis has invited all Christians world-wide to recite the Lord's Prayer/Our Father at midday (March 25). It's found in Matthew 6: 9-13

If you would like more inspiration please CLICK HERE to read this article: 

When you’ve finished praying, let's continue to contact friends and family to tell them you are thinking and praying for them? Let's stay connected! 

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains
    where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth."
Psalm 121

Keep us, good Lord, under the shadow of your mercy.

Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love, in Christ Jesus our Lord.



If you would like to watch our livestream from Sunday, please click the button below. 


Day Two


Prayer Hour

“I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
    turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.” Psalm 17:6

Each day at midday, we are gathering in our separate spaces – be that at home or at work – to pray for 1 hour. Click on this link just before midday for a live stream from one of our staff team focusing on today’s prayer theme.


Thank you for joining us – let us pray without ceasing until God heals our land, until God heals our world.

Day 2

Once again, we are grateful to 24-7 Prayer for sharing their resources with us. Today, we have 2 resources – one for adults, one for families. They are both interactive. Feel free to be as creative as you like!

For Adults: The 60-minute Coronavirus Prayer Guide


For Families: Covid-19 Prayer Spaces in School


Let us pray!



If you would like to watch Sundays livestream again, please click the button below. 


Day One


WE DID IT! Thank you to everyone who tuned in and engaging with the livestream. We had listeners from across the globe including Austria, Bosnia and Australia. Whether you're a PBC regular or totally new, we enjoyed being connected to you in this way.

Our Facebook link was watched by over 1.2k viewers. We are excited to see how God uses this to reach more people than ever before. "You meant to hurt me, but God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people, which is being done." Genesis 50:20

We appreciate that many of you experienced interruptions while watching our Livestream. We are doing all we can to fix this problem and have it working for next weeks PBC LIVE

If you would like to watch back and see our recorded version of the service, please click below. 



Prayer Hour

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

It’s time to pray!

Each day at midday we’re going to gather as our church, in our separate locations, be that at home or at work, to pray for 1 hour and we’re not going to stop praying until God rocks up and heals our land.
Each morning you will receive an email containing prayer ideas, feel free to follow them or pray your own prayers. The email will also contain a link to our Facebook Live.

Click on it just before midday for a livestream from one of our staff team focusing on today’s prayer theme.

Day 1 - Let us pray!

24-7 Prayer
Why not use this prayer from Pete Greig at 24-7 Prayer to shape your prayers today?

Community Care Prayer
Why not pray for the street where you live. Pray for those who are sick. Pray for those who are vulnerable. Pray for those who are Key Workers. Pray for those worried about their jobs. Pray for those worried about money. Pray God’s ‘shalom’ over your street.
Pastoral Care Prayer
Why not pray for one member of our church. Someone who is sick. Someone who is vulnerable. Someone who is a Key Worker. Someone worried about their job. Someone worried about money. Pray God’s ‘shalom’ over their lives. When you’ve finished praying why don’t you contact that person to tell them you have prayed for them?